目的 通过对颅脑损伤后综合症(Postconcussion syndrome,PCS)患者和非颅脑损伤的骨科患者的心理测评和对比分析,探讨PCS的精神症状是器质性的还是心因性的。方法 使用症状自评量表(Symptom Check-List 90,SCL-90)对42例PCS患者及32例非颅脑损伤的骨科患者进行了测评,并对两组资料中的各种精神症状以及总体精神症状发病率进行了对比和统计学分析。结果 两组资料的精神症状及总体发病率无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论 精神症状是PCS的常见表现,使用SCL-90所测评的精神症状不是由脑器质性损伤直接引起的,而可能是一种外伤后心理障碍。
Objective To evaluate whether the postconcussion syndrome (PCS) in patients with mild cranial injury were produced by organic or psychogenic factor. Methods Forty-two patients suffering the PCS and thirty-two patients suffering orthopaedic injury were pscychologically tested and evaluated with the Symptom Check-List 90 (SCL-90), and then 10 items of psychic symptoms and total incidence of the pscychic symptoms between them were compared and statistically analysed. Results No significantly difference (P>0.05) in the pscychic symptoms and their total incidence was observed between the PCS group and the non-head injury control group. Conclusion The symptoms of the PCS is a psychological disturbance rather than the organic lesion after the mild cranial injury.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Neurosurgery