1999~ 2 0 0 0年分别采用小麦赤霉病的有性世代 (Gibberellazeae)子囊孢子和无性世代(Fusariumgraminearum)分生孢子对 64份小麦品种 (系 )进行穗部注射法接种。结果表明 ,多数品种 (系 )用子囊孢子接种的病穗率和病情指数比用分生孢子接种的病穗率和病情指数略高 ,说明有性世代的致病性比无性世代的致病性强。与自然发病比较 ,两种菌源接种的结果是相似的 ,即自然发病重的品种 ,采用有性和无性世代接种的病穗率和病情指数均较高 ;反之自然发病轻的品种 ,有性和无性世代接种的病穗率和病情指数均较低 ,说明用有性和无性世代菌源接种都有效 。
Ascospore of Gibberella zeae and conidia of Fusarium graminearum were inoculated in head of 64 wheat varieties (lines) respectively. The identification results showed that disease head percent and disease index of most varieties (lines) by ascospore identification had higher than by conidia identification, showed that pathogenicity of sexual generation had higher than pathogenicity of asexual generation. In comparison with the nature infection, the results of two source were similar, that is, the heavy disease varieties showed high disease head percent and disease index when they were inoculated by sexual and asexual generation of wheat scab, and the converse result was gotten when the same experiment were made to the light disease varieties, showed Gibberella zeae and Fusarium graminearum were effective, so both were fit for the identification of varieties' resistance to wheat scab.
Journal of Mountain Agriculture and Biology