药用植物川党参CodonopsistangshenOliv .在自然授粉下结实率约为 7.5 %.但其花柱的授粉率高达 79%,为结实率的 10 .5倍 .柱头上的平均花粉量为 5 - 16个 ,但多数为来自自花的花粉 ,散粉期花粉活力较高 .从不同处理下结实率实验看 ,川党参的有性繁殖主要依靠异花授粉 ,其自花授粉的结实率为 1.7%.作者认为 ,在影响结实率的诸多因素中 ,异花授粉的效率以及植物对异花授粉的依赖程度是重要因素 .
The pollination biology of Codonopsis tangshen has been studied. Its seed set was 7.5% in natural conditions, while the pollination rates were high to 79%,10.5 times of its seed set. The mean number of pollen grains per stigma ranged from 5 to 16, most of them being from self-pollination. The pollen viability was strong in the pollen period. The breeding system of Codonopsis tangshen was dominantly xenogamous, and autogamy was about 1.7%. We consider that the limitation and dependence of xenogamy are important factors among the factors influencing seed set.
Journal of Anhui Normal University(Natural Science)
国家自然科学基金 ( 393915 0 0 )