为了研究内痔的中西医结合治疗机理 ,采用中西医结合治疗 72例 II期内痔患者 ,其中 36例采用肛门内括约肌切断术 ,结合消痔灵注射治疗 .另 36例 II期内痔为对照组 ,仅采用消痔灵注射治疗 .结果为 :(1) 72例内痔在治疗后 3~ 7天 ,病人的排便不畅和不适感消失 ,便血停止 ;(2 )1年后复查 ,36例结合治疗组无一例复发 ,痔核明显缩小 ,甚至消失 ,病变处粘膜基本恢复正常 .36例对照组中有 2例复发 ;(3)在肛门直肠指诊时 ,36例结合治疗组无肛内紧缩感 .对 II期内痔治疗 。
To study the integrated treatment of the Grade II internal hemorrhoid with traditional and western medicine,72 grade II internal hemorrhoid cases were divided at random into groups:the integrated group and the control group, each of which had 36 cases.The former was treated by cutting the internal anal sphincter and Xiao Zhi Ling Injection while the latter was treated only with Xiao Zhi Ling Injection.The result showed that 3 to 7 days after the treatment, all the uncomfortable hemorrhoid symptoms disappeared. One year follow up revealed no recurrence in the integrated group patients while two cases from the control group recurred the hemorrhoid. In conclusion,the therapeutic effectiveness of the integrated treatment was much better than that of the simple Xiao Zhi Ling Injection therapy.
Bulletin of Science and Technology