荷兰王国驻中国大使伍斯德先生(Mr.Ate Oostra)在即将离任之际,代表荷兰王国政府与中国政府签署了4项经济合作协议。这4个合作项目代表着荷中经济合作的新纪元,也为中国地方政府和中国企业带来了新的商业机遇。
Our staff reporter conducted a special interview with Mr. Ate Oostra, Ambassador of the Royal Netherlands Embassy. At the expiration of his tenure of office, Mr. Ate Oostra signed four economic cooperation agreements with Chinese Government on behalf of the government of the Royal Netherlands. These four cooperation agreements represent a new era in the Netherlands-China economic cooperation and bring new business opportunities for the Chinese local governments as well as Chinese enterprises.
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