
电力库竞价中的分层双目标优化方法 被引量:1

Hierarchical Bi-Objective Optimization Method in Power Pool Auctions
摘要 给出了基于用户付费最少、发电成本最小的集中优化框架下的分层双目标方法 .不同于传统的最小化发电成本的 UC方法 ,分层双目标方法把用户的利益作为第一目标 ,克服了 CPM方法有多个最优解的不足 ,并降低了发电成本 ,从而为电力交易中心提供了一个确定上网机组顺序及上网电量的可行且公平的手段 .最后 ,通过一个简单的算例说明了分层双目标方法的可行性 . This paper presents a hierarchical bi objective method within the framework of centralized optimization for calculating optimal generation schedules that minimize generator costs based on the consumer payments minimization. It provides the power exchange (PX) with a reliable and fair criterion to determine what quantity can be accepted by the power net for each generator. Unlike conventional unit commitment (UC) algorithms that minimize energy production costs, this method takes the consumers' benefit as first objective. It gets rid of the disadvantage that the consumer payment minimization (CPM) method has a lot of solutions, and reduces the generator costs. Finally, a test result is given to show that the hierarchical bi objective method is better than the CPM method and traditional UC method.
出处 《水电能源科学》 2001年第4期48-50,共3页 Water Resources and Power
关键词 电力交易中心 电力库 用户付费 发电方成本 分层双目标优化方法 竞价上网 power exchange power pool unit commitment consumer payment generator cost
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