依法行政是依法治国的关键。针对我国当前依法行政的现状 ,从四个方面论述了依法行政的改革措施 :增强法治意识 ,牢固树立依法行政的观念 ;提高政府立法质量 ,建立和完善行政规范性文件的审查制度 ;严格行政执法 ,进一步完善行政执法的法律制度 ;推行政务公开 。
To administer according to the law is the key to control countries. To the present state of our country, this paper put forward the followihg four reform measures:strengthening the sense of law;promoting the quality of law to set up and improve the review system;strictly practising the law to improve the system; making political affairs open to improve the supervising system.
Journal of Luoyang Agricultural College