仿真方法在考查一个复杂且造价昂贵系统的运行和性能方面是非常有效的,因为它无须建立实际的物理模型,仅仅用高级语言编写仿真程序即可实现。本文提出一种FDDI (光纤分布数据接口)局域网在一定负载情况下确定平均接入时延的仿真方法,并以包含短的数据报文和长的视频报文的多媒体环境作为实验模型,实验结果表明本仿真方法的有效性。仿真程序使用Mathematica语言,能够快速得到带有完美图形的数值仿真结果。
Simulation are valuable tools in helping us to understand how complex systems will operate and perform, without actually having to build a physical model to test. It is best to write the simulator in a higher level programming language, in our case we use Mathematical and are able to obtain fast results with excellent graphing capabilities. The goal of our research is to find a method for obtaining an estimate of the average access delay for advanced token ring based networks such as FDDI(fiber distributed data interface). We have developed a method that will generate exact results at low to medium loaded networks. It is monitored and can be used as a confidence measure for the results obtained. A symmetric multimedia environment is used as the model, with bimodal traffic consisting of short data packets and longer video packets.
Optoelectronic Technology & Information