目的 探讨不同人工补片在无张力修补腹股沟疝修补术中的应用疗效。 方法 180例腹股沟疝患者随机分为三组,每组应用一种类型的补片,均行 Lichtenstein手术,比较其术后并发症的发生率。 结果 180例患者均得到随访,随访率 100%,一年内无 1例复发。应用聚丙烯补片 (Bard Mesh)的患者腹股沟区疼痛发生率 11.1%,明显高于三层结构复合补片 (Composix),具有显著差异 (P<0.05);膨化聚四氟烯补片(e-PTFE)补片有一例感染。Composix补片无一例并发症。结论 在无张力腹股沟疝修补术中,Composix补片是一种比较理想的人工合成材料。
Objective To investigate clinical effect in the tension- free hernioplasty with various patches. Methods 180 inguinal hernia patients, who received the operation of the tension- free hernioplasty(Lichtenstein repairs),were randomly divided into three groups based on different patches. Their postoperation complication was recorded. Results All of them had been follow- uped. None of the patients who had received inguinal hernia repairs had a relapse within one year. 6 patients who were operated on the tension- free hernioplasty with polypropylene mesh suffered ache in inguinal section. None of the patients who had received tension- free hernioplasty with composix patch showed any complication. Conclusions Composix patch is a perfect artificial material for inguinal hernia repairs.
Geriatrics & Health Care