应用ICP AES法测定了钢中酸溶铝和酸不溶铝 ,并对测定条件及相关参数进行了试验和优化。关于基体的干扰及方法的准确度和精密度也作了研究并用标准物质作了验证。用此法所测得结果与标准物质的证书值间无显著差异。将酸不溶铝和酸溶铝的测得值相加即得总铝的量。
It is reported that the acid soluble and acid insoluble aluminium in steel were determined satisfactorily by ICP AES and the main parameters of operation were optimized. The interference of the matrix, and the accuracy and precision of the determination were studied and checked with standard reference materials. In the analysis of three SRM′s (i.e. GBW01317a, GBW01322 and GBW01325), the results obtained by this method showed good conformity with the certified values. RSD′s of 1.15% [ n =5, w (Al s) 0.038%], 1.18% [ n =5, w (Al s) 0.036%] and 6.25% [n= 5 , w (Al i) 0.0018%] were obtained in the precision testing. Total aluminium content is obtained by the summation of soluble and insoluble aluminium contents.
Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis(Part B:Chemical Analysis)