根据西核FJ 2 810G能散X荧光分析仪在水泥行业的成功使用经验 ,用XRF法对烧结矿化学成分进行了研究。绘制了标准曲线 ,并进行了数学校正。经过试验 ,已成功地用于烧结生产控制分析。
Based on the successful experience of the use of the FJ 2810G energy dispersion XRF spectrometer in the cement analysis, its application to the analysis of the chemical composition of sinter is studied. Six components (Fe, Si, Ca, Mg, S and Al) in the sinter sample can be determined simultaneously. The sinter sample should be powdered to a size of 0.074mm (200 mesh) and pressed into a cake in a sample mould. The surface of the sample cake must have specified smooth finish. The optimum excitation conditions used for the determination are as follows: U =12kV, I =250μA. Calibration curves are obtained by analyzing standard reference materials and using mathematical corrections. The above mentioned spectrometers with the working conditions found has been applied to the control analysis in the sintering process.
Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis(Part B:Chemical Analysis)