目的 :了解海洛因依赖患者肺结核的临床特点。方法 :回顾分析 6年来我院收治 17例海洛因依赖者肺结核的临床特点及治疗情况。结果 :17例患者病情重 ,进展快 ,肺部病灶广泛 ,易形成多个空洞 ,痰结核杆菌阳检率高 ,抗结核治疗难度大。结论 :必须引起有关部门高度重视 ,加强管理 。
Objective: To analyze and realize the clinical characteristics and therapy of tuberculous patients depending on Heroin. Methods: Analyzing retrospectively the clinical characteristics and therapy concerning 17 patients cured in our hospital in the past six years. Results:17 male patients had characteristics as follows:severe illness,rapid development, wide ranging pulmonal focus,easily forming several caverns, a high positive rate of tuberculosis bacillus and a great difficulty in healing tuberculosis.Conclusion: Great emphasis should be placed by relative departments, which should strengthen management, reduce the generation of drug fast bacterium and cntrol the inflectious source to serve human race.
Medical Journal of Wuhan University