目的 :观察非小细胞肺癌脑转移患者综合治疗疗效及毒副反应。方法 :采用含顺铂联合化疗方案加大剂量分割全脑放疗综合治疗 34例非小细胞肺癌脑转移病人。疗效及毒副反应评价按WHO统一标准评价。结果 :治疗总有效率为 73.5 % ,其中完全缓解率为 17.6 % ,中位生存期 9.5个月 ,1年生存率 35 .3%。主要毒副反应是白细胞下降、血小板下降及轻度胃肠道反应 ,经对症处理后可减轻或消失 ,未见肾心肝毒性反应。结论 :含顺铂联合化疗方案加大剂量分割全脑放疗是治疗非小细胞肺癌脑转移一种有效的、合理的综合治疗方法 ,可以较好改善患者的临床症状 ,提高其生存质量 。
Objective:To analyse the effect and side effect of comprehensive therapy on patients in non small cell lung cancer with brain metastasis.Methods:34 patients in non small cell lung cancer with brain metastasis were treated by chemotherapy regimens including cisplatin plus whole brain radiotherapy.Treatment results were assessed according to WHO criteria.Results:The overall response rate was 73.5% with a CR rate of 17.6%.Median survival time was 9.5 months. One year survival rate was 35.3%.Conclusion:Chemotherapy regimens including cisplatin plus whole brain radiotherapy are an effective comprehensive therapy method in non small cell lung cancer with brain metastsis,with a remarkable response rate,improvement of clinical symptom and encouraging survival duration.
Medical Journal of Wuhan University