陕西是响应辛亥武昌起义北方最早的省份 ,革命波及甘肃、河南 ,影响至于宁夏、青海、新疆等省区 ,在全国具有十分重要和独特的位置。同盟会、会党、新军与陕西辛亥革命密不可分。其中 ,会党与新军在革命过程中既有积极作用又存在许多缺点和失误。领导辛亥革命的资产阶级革命派 ,虽然推翻了清王朝的统治 ,创立了民国 ,但由于其本身的软弱性和阶级局限性 ,致使没有正确对待和处理许多有关革命的根本问题 。
Shaanxi is the earlist province of the northern part of the country responding to the Revolution of 1911, which is of great importort and special position in the country. In the revolution,Tongmenhui, Huidang and the New Army have very close relation and affect the revolntion of Shaanxi,but they have many shortcomings and faults. The Revolution of 1911 overthrew the rule of the Qing Dynasty and give birth to the Republic of China,but this Revolation does not solve the fundamental problem in China.So the revolution has failed in the end.
Journal of Yan'an University (Social Sciences Edition)