目的 讨论严重眼外伤致眼前段结构紊乱的后房人工晶状体植入的手术方法。方法 眼前段结构紊乱的处理包括:前和后粘连松解、瞳孔成形、瞳孔机化膜切开、虹膜根部离断缝合和以机化膜为依托的后房人工晶状体植入术。随访6月以上。结果 32眼手术顺利。术后视力0.1~1.2,平均0.5。术后25眼人工晶状体正位,7眼略偏心。人工晶状体前膜形成是主要并发症,经治疗痊愈。结论 眼前段结构恢复,用机化膜支撑人工晶状体,无需采用缝线固定的方法,可避免因缝线所致的并发症。
Objective To study the method of treatment of severe anterior segment trauma and PC - IOL implantation Methods Anterior segment reconstruction includes: anterior and posterior synechialysis, suturing of iridavulsion, pupilloplasty, papillary membranectomy. The patients were followed up more than 6 month. Results The surgery was successful in all patens . The postoperative visual acuities was 0.1 - 1 .2. The IOL cor- rectly centerd was in 25 eyes and deviated in 7 eyes after PC - IOL im- plantation . The main complication was the membrane formation on anteri- or surface of intraocular lenses . All of them were recovered by conserva- tion treatment and Nd : YAG laser resection . Conclusion With the sup- port of enough fibromembrane in pupillarv area, anterior segment rec- ontruction and PC - IOL implantation could he performed, thus PC - IOL suture fixation is not necessary, and its associated complications be avoided.
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries