目的 了解酶法和Jaffe速率法测定血清肌酐结果的偏倚大小 ,为室间评估结果分组提供依据。方法 按照美国全国临床实验标准委员会 (NCCLS)EP9 A文件进行评估 ,将测得的数据进行相关回归分析 ,计算两方法间的偏倚。结果 酶法和Jaffe速率法测定肌酐 ,其回归方程式Y =1.0 0 5X +17.9(Y为Jaffe速率法 ,X为酶法 ) ,相关系数r =0 .998,有明显恒定偏倚。
Objective To determine the relative bias between two methods for serum creatinine (CREA) determination using fresh patient samples. Methods according to the procedure described by the NCCLS approved guideline, 40 patient samples were analyzed in duplicate using both Enzymatic assay and Jaffe kinetic assay. The coefficient of correlation was calculated as well as the bias between the methods.Results In the patient's serum sample, the bias between enzymatic assay and Jaffe kinetic assay were obvious for CREA. The computed line was described by the equation: Y=1.005X+17.9.Conclusion We proposed that it should be divided into groups for determination of CREA using different methods and principles in external quality assessment.
Shanghai Journal of Medical Laboratory Sciences