目的 获取准确测量血压之方法的国人证据。方法 选自 6个医院的 16 9名受试者 ,采用直接测压法比较临床上习用的袖带加压法的血压测量值。结果 ①袖带加压法测得的收缩压比直接法高出 6 .4mmHg(P <0 .0 0 0 1) ,但相关性良好 (r =0 .86 3) ;②舒张压Korotkoff第 4期高出 8.4mmHg(P <0 .0 0 0 1) ;第 5期与直接法测量值十分接近 ,平均低 1.9mmHg;③老年人 (≥ 6 5岁 )中Korotkoff第 5期的数据明显低于主动脉内舒张压平均 5 .7mmHg(P <0 .0 0 5 ) ;④重复测量 2~ 3次中的最低值更接近直接法测得的血压值。结论 在获得可靠证据的基础上 ,提出袖带加压法测量技术 ,以能获得较准确。
Objective To observe the evidence of accurate blood pressure measurement. Methods The indirect blood pressure were compared with the direct intra-aorta readings in 169 cases from 6 hospitals. Results ①The indirect systolic blood pressure(SBP) showed an average 6.4mmHg higher then the direct intra-aorta SBP(P<0.0001)with good correlation(r=0.863).②Phase IV Korotkoff sounds appeared 8.4mmHg higher (P<0.0001) than the direct diastolic blood pressure(DBP), but Phase V Korotkoff sounds disappeared an average 1.9mmHg lower and almost closed to the direct DBP. ③Phase V Korotkoff sounds disappeared an average 5.7mmHg lower significantly(P<0.005)than the intra-aorta DBP in eldly(≥65yr) ④The lowest value among the 2~3 readings closed mostly to the direct blood pressure. Conclusion Following the evidences in this clinical trial, the indirect blood pressure measurement technique was recommended in order to maximize the accuracy and reliability.
Chinese Journal of Laboratory Diagnosis
blood pressure measurement
clinical trial
Evidence-based Medicine