目的:建立高效液相色谱法测定瑞巴派特片含量方法。方法:采用Hypersil ODS-2柱,流动相为甲醇-水(50:50)用冰乙酸调节至pH=2.6.流速为O.8 ml·min-1,检测波长245nm。结果:瑞巴派特在3.80~19.02μg·ml-1浓度范围内线性关系良好(r=0.999 9),平均回收率94.7%(RSD=0.3%)。结论:该方法准确度和精密度高,快速简便,可用于该产品的质量控制。
Objectives: To establish a HPLC method for the content determination of rebamipide in rebamipide tablets. Methods: A hypersil ODS-2 column was used in this method, The mobile phase was water-methanol(50: 50), pH was adjusted to 2. 6 with acetic acid, the flow rate was 0.8 ml·min -1, and the detecting wave length was at 245 nm. Result: The linear range of the method was3.8-19.02μg·ml-1(r = 0.9999), the average recovery was 94.67 %(RSD = 0.31% ). Conclusion: The method was accurate, rapid and convenient being used for quality control.
China Pharmacist