用 10、 2 0和 5 0L容积的塑料盆盆栽酿酒葡萄 ,探讨了根系生长范围对地上和地下部生长的影响。各处理的根干物量由小到大依次为 :10、 2 0、 5 0L。 5 0L处理根量分别是 2 0L和 10L的 1.78倍和 3.38倍。按直径将根分为粗根 (>3mm)、中级根 (0 .5~ 3.0mm)、细根 (<0 .5mm) ,限根处理使细根量显著增加。同级根平均根长和根重无显著差别 ,表明限根后根重减少是根数量减少之故 ,而非根变短变细。地上部生长受限根处理影响显著 ,干物量、叶质量、叶面积均显著降低。
Effect of three pot sizes (i.e. 10, 20 and 50L) on the growth of wine grape cv. Carbenet Sauvignon was studied with sand culture. Root growth was positively correlated with pot size. Root dry weight of 50L pot was 1.78 and 3.38-fold as that of 20L and 10L pots, respectively. Roots with different diameters were classified into three groups as coarse roots (d>3mm), medium roots (d=0.5-3.0mm) and fine roots (d <0.5mm). Root restriction could change the composition of coarse, medium and fine roots in the whole root system. Root restriction resulted in more fine roots and less medium roots. Growth above ground was also affected negatively by root restriction. Leaf and shoot dry weight, leaf area, photosynthesis decreased significantly with root restriction.
Acta Horticulturae Sinica