桑蚕的体重变化 ,就全龄期而言 ,其体重增长率从1龄至5龄是逐渐降低的 ,其中以1龄为最大 ,2、3、4、5龄 ,随蚕龄增加 ,体重增长率减少 ,在一个龄期内 ,家蚕体重增长率以第1日为最大 ,然后逐日下降。这种体重变化特点说明 ,蚕的成长 ,在不同发育阶段呈现不同的特点。因此 ,在饲育处理上要针对蚕的不同成长时期 ,采取积极。
As far as the variation of silkworm body weight in all instars are concerned, the body weight increasing rate will decrease gradually from the first instar to the fifth instar. During the first instar, the biggest body weight increasing rate will get in the first day and decrease day by day gradually. The character of body weight variation suggests that silkworm has different characters in different development process. Therefore, we should pay more attention to these characters and apply positive and counterpart rearing techniques during the different development time.
Bulletin of Sericulture