对生物质气化过程伴生的焦油馏程、发热量、粘度、闪点、燃点、碳氢元素含量等热物理特性进行试验研究 ,结果表明 ,生物质焦油经过精制分馏后 ,温度在 2 0 0℃以下时的馏分为轻质油分 ,其闪点和燃点均接近于柴油的闪点和燃点 ,可作为发动机代用液体燃料 ;在 2 0 0℃以上时的馏分为重质油分 ,且发热量和粘度随蒸馏温度增加而逐渐升高 。
Thermophysical characteristics such as the distillate range, calorific value, viscosity flash point ignition temperature and content of carbon and hydrogen of the raw tar and tar distillate samples were analyzed the results showed that with condensed distillate the biomass tar is of light color if the temperature is below 200℃ and the ignition temperature and the flash point were almost equal to those of diesel oil. But if the temperature is above 200℃ the mass of the condensed distillate is more than that at other temperatures. The calorific value and viscosity of the distillate were much and much higher with increase in the temperature of the distillate. It is evident that the distillate of the tar below 120℃ contained more water than above 120℃. So, the tar distillates above 120℃ may be used as the fuels of motors. The experimental results provides the resources utilization ways of biomass tar derived from crop stalks.
Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University
河南省九五重大科技攻关项目 (编号 981190 813 )