户籍制度象一道不可逾越的鸿沟 ,将中国分为泾渭分明的两大块———城市社会和农村社会 ,进而固化了中国二元社会经济结构 ,阻碍了整个中国现代化进程。当前举国上下拉开了户籍制度改革的帷幕 ,我们只有乘势加快改革户籍制度 ,才能加快现代文明发展的步伐 ,真正完成在 2 1世纪实现中华民族复兴的伟大事业。
The management system of household register is like an impassable chasm which divides China into two entirely different parts, urban society and country society. This system has resulted in a rigid bi-socio-economic structure and hindered the process of modernization in China. Now China has initiated its reform of this system and we should catch this golden opportunity to quicken the steps of modern civilization and realize the national rejuvenation of China in the 21st century.
Journal of Yunnan University of the Nationalities(Social Sciences)