南昆铁路的建成 ,既为西南地区增添了一条交通大动脉 ,又在西南地区构筑起了一条纵贯滇、黔、桂三省区的经济新走廊。它直接影响和带动了沿线人口经济格局的重组 ,但这种重组过程不应该一哄而起、各自为阵 ,而应加以科学的引导 。
The completion of Nanning--Kunming Railroad has not only added a main communication line to southwest China, but also formed a new economic corridor passing through Guizhou,Yunnan and Guangxi. It has been exerting a strong influence on the economic reconstruction of the people along this railroad. However, this reconstruction should not be a general rush into action with each region following its own way, and a scientific guidance will help optimize this reconstruction.
Journal of Yunnan University of the Nationalities(Social Sciences)