文章认为在体现“以人为本”的思想指导下 ,在西部大开发中应确立可持续发展战略 ,使开发与保护并举 ;并积极调整产业结构 ,发展西部特色经济 ,保育西部特有的环境 ;积极提高环境保护技术 ,大力发展环保产业 ;建立健全社会服务体系 ,积极发展卫生保健业 。
This article, basing itself on the idea of anthropocentrism, discusses the policies for a healthy and sustainable development of west China. The main points include: development and protection at the same time; a suitable adjustment of the industrial structure and a good protection of the environment of west China; a quick development of protection skills and industries; a quick development of health-care industry through establishing or improving the service system of our society.
Journal of Yunnan University of the Nationalities(Social Sciences)