目的 :观察颜面软组织与其深面的骨性结构在构成容貌基本特征上的关系及不同地区人群 ,不同人种容貌之间的差异。方法 :对四川籍 12 0例 (男女各半 ) 18岁以上正常汉族人按Downs及Steiner等的方法进行 18种骨骼和牙齿的角度测量 ,按Burstone等的方法进行软组织的 16种角度测量分析 ,并将测量结果与北京、哈尔滨等地人群的资料进行比较以及同美国白人资料比较。结果 :骨性测量显示男性上颌骨位置比女性靠前 ,牙、颌、面结构彼此配合的相互关系男女性基本相同 ;软组织测量显示男性侧貌突度大于女性 ,面凸角、面颈角、面型角、H角、上唇基角等多项角度在两性间差异显著 ,提示颅颌面软组织与其深面的骨性结构之间的不一致 ,并提示在作正畸矫形或整形美容时应充分考虑性别因素 ;四川人和北京、哈尔滨等地人群相比 ,颜面侧貌突度明显大于北方人群 ,国人与美国白人相比 ,面部侧貌轮廓显著前突 ,而白人前额和颏部比国人明显前突 ,形成显著差异 ,提示在作矫形治疗或整形美容时应充分考虑地区因素 ,对于不同地区的患者要考虑患者及当地人们的审美观 ,国外的体质资料更不能盲目引用。结论 :①颅颌面软组织与其深面的骨性结构之间存在不一致性 ;②四川人同北方人群。
Objective:To observe the relation between facial soft tissue and underlying skeletal framework in forming fundamental facial features,and compare the difference of the features between people of different areas and different racial groups. Method:120 cases(male and remale equal in number) of Sichuan Han people,over 18 years old and of normal occlusion,were measured using Downs and Steiner's methods for 18 items of angles of bones and teeth,and using Burstone's methods for 16items of angles of soft tissues,and the measurement results were compared with those of Beijing,Ha'erbing and American whites population.Results:The measurements of bones indicate that the correlation of tooth,occlusion,facial framework makes no substancial sexual difference except that man's maxillary bone lies more frontally than that of woman.The measurements of soft tissues indicate that man has larger profile convexity than woman,and several angles including facial convexity angle,face-neck angle,face form angle,H angle and superior labial angle bear significant sexual structure,hence a discordance between craniofacial soft tissue and underlying skeletal structure.This should be rully taken into account during the making of an orthodontical or plastic surgical operation.Sichuan people have much larger facial profile convexity than Northern people such as those in Beijing and Ha'erbing.Chinese have much larger facial profile convexity than Americal whites,but their fronses are much less protrusive than American whites.These results suggest that attention sbould bepaid to geographical factor and accept aesthetic standards among the people of a certain region when establishing particular operation plan,and the data from abroad should not be adopted without consideration.Conclusion:①There is a discordance between craniofacial soft tissues and underlying skeletal structures;②There is significant difference between facial profile convexing of Sichuan people and that of Northern people,and between those of Chinese and American whites.
Journal of Luzhou Medical College