蒋子龙的新作长篇小说《空洞》通过一家人所走过的近半个世纪的风雨历程 ,演绎缩影了自 2 0世纪 60年代以来中国私有企业兴衰沉浮的历史。小说文本中形象地浓缩、诠释 2 0世纪 60年代以来在管理学、管理心理学和行为科学基础上新发展起来的组织行为学的基本思想。从更深的层次讲 ,《空洞》也是蒋子龙对“传统文化与现代化关系”
By describing the hard journey made by a family in half a century.JIANG Zi long's long novel The Empty Holes gives us a full account of the ups and downs of Chinese private enterprises since 1960s.The novel vividly interprets the basic idea of organic behavioral science developed from managementology,managemental psychology,and behavioral science.From a deeper level,The Empty Holes is also JIANG's answer to the question of the relationship between'traditional culture and modernization.
Journal of Xinyang Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)