2Towards measuring education and health volume output:An OECD handbook, Draft version,18-Sepember 2007.
4OECD.Towards Measuring Education and Health Volume Output:An OECD Handbook(Draft version)[S]OECD:Paris,Sepemberl8,2007.
5Aileen Simkins.Health Quality Indicator and Value of Health:Accounting for Quality Change.Paper Prepared for the Joint.OECD/ ONS/ Govemment of Norway workshop "Measurement of Non-market Output in Education and Health":London,October3-5,2006.
6Michael A,Agliata.A New Quality Adjustment Methodology for Nursing Home Price Indexes.U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics:Washington DC,August 8,2003.
7OECD·Towards Measuring Education and Health Volume Output:An OECD Handbook(Draft version)[S].OECD:Paris,Sepember 18.2007.
8Aileen Simkins.Health Quality Indicator and Value of Health:Accounting for Quality Change[c].Paper Prepared for the Joint OECD/ONS/Government of Norway workshop Measurement of Non-market Output in Education and Health:London,Oct-ober3-5,2006.
9Michael A,Agliata.A New Quality Adjustment Methodology for Nursing Home Price Indexes[R],U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics:Washington DC,August 8,2003.