目的 :研究杀虫磺、杀虫双、杀虫环、杀菌剂NF133、蚓哚乙酸、久效磷和氧化乐果 7种农药对人和植物细胞染色体的诱变性 ,并比较其诱变作用在人和植物上是否一致。方法 :测定蚕豆、大麦根尖细胞和人外周血淋巴细胞姐妹染色单体交换 (SCE)率。结果 :7种农药都能明显诱导蚕豆、大麦根尖细胞和人外周血淋巴细胞的SCE率增加。结论 :本研究中 7种农药对植物和人细胞均有较强的作用。
Purpose: To investigate the mutagenic effects of seven pesticides on human and plant chromosomes, and compare their SCE inducing effects in human lymphocytes with those in plant root tip cells. Methods: Sister chromatid exchange(SCE) freqency was determined in human lymphocytes and plant root tip cells after treatments with pesticides. Results: Seven pesticides all induced a does dependent increase of SCE in plant root tip cells and in human lymphocytes. Conclusion: The pesticides have strong mutagenic effects to human and plant chromosomes and have the same efficency in human lymphocytes and plant root tip cells.
Carcinogenesis,Teratogenesis & Mutagenesis