目的 评价不同身高等级的 9~ 1 7岁男性儿童青少年身高增长及性发育的关系。方法 对贵阳市 1 0 96名 9~ 1 7岁男性的身高、发育水平进行等级评价和性发育评价 ,测量 1年身高增长值。结果 青春期身高发育水平高的个体身高增长值高 ,性发育早。结论将身高、发育水平、性发育和年龄相结合 ,对青春期个体的发育水平、成熟程度和发育趋势可作综合判断。
Objective To evaluate the relationship between increment in height and sexual developmental level in schoolboys aged 9~17 years at various height developmental levels. Methods Height developmental ranks and sexual developmental levels of 1 096 schoolboys aged 9~17 years were evaluated and their annual increment in height was calculated. Results Schoolboys who were at higher adolescent height developmental levels had greater annual increment in height and higher sexual developmental levels. Conclusions A sound and comprehensive judgement concerning adolescent developmental and mature levels and developmental tendency can made upon the combination of height developmental level, sexual developmental level and age.
Chinese Journal of School Health