《亚威农少女》是立体派绘画的开山之作。沿着塞尚的足迹 ,非自觉地本着“回到事实本身”的现象学精神 ,毕加索深刻面对了人类真实的生存荒谬。以立体派特有的手法《亚威农少女》呈现了叛逆拆解的多重意味。在具有否定了传统空间构成而成为形体塑造技法的里程碑这一种意义外 ,更高的肯定则在于它不仅促动着现代派画家的叛逆浪潮 ,且透露了半个世纪后的后现代大师对欧洲逻各斯中心论的全面批判清理的信息 ,开一代风气之先。
Awenon Maiden' was the pioneer of cubist painting. Picasso, following in Sesan's footsteps and complying unintentionally with the soul of phenomenalism 'going back to the fact in itself', deeply faced the real absurdity of human existence. By means of the characteristic techniques of cubism, 'Awenon Maiden' successfully represents the multiple taste of rebelous decomposition. The painting marked a milestone of the development of modern painting not only because it broke away from traditional structure of space and established the portraying craftsmanship of physique, but because it helped arouse the wave of rebellion of modernistic painters. Moreover, it dawned the coming of a new era when the post modernistic masters were to comprehensively criticize and clear the European theory of taking logos as the center of everything.
Journal of Shaanxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)