就数首苏轼词编年提出与曾枣庄、保佳昭的不同看法 ,用大量事实考证出《永遇乐·长忆别时》作于宋神宗熙宁八年 (1 0 75 )正月 ,《浣溪沙》二首 (“倾盖相逢胜白头”、“炙手无人傍屋头”)作于熙宁七年 (1 0 74)三月 ,《南歌子》三首 (“雨暗初疑夜”、“日出西山雨”、“带酒冲山雨”)作于宋仁宗嘉八年 (1 0 63 )二月下旬至三月上旬 ,《双荷叶》词题中“湖州贾耘老小妓名双荷叶”之“双荷叶”乃两妓均以荷叶名之而非一妓姓双名荷叶 ,贾耘老也不可能娶双荷叶为妻。
The writer of this article has compiled the greater part of the annal of Sushi′s poetic genres in his monograph 'Notes and Commentary on the Annal of Dongpo′s poetic Genres', but Zengzaozhuang and Bao yi jia shao took exception to the several poetic genres amang these. The dissertation is writer′s reply, which proves the 'Notes and Commentary' is right by the more solid historical facts, then the thesis and the grounds of argument which are produced by Zengzaozhuang and Bao yi jia shao may be not tenable.
Journal of Northwest University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition