什叶派在伊朗被确立为国教 ,是伊朗伊斯兰教发展进程中的标志性事件。它是波斯民族及波斯文明同阿拉伯民族及伊斯兰教相互作用的产物。文章从什叶派被确立为国教的历史背景、过程及措施、作用和影响等方面 ,深入剖析了这一历史进程 ,以期对人们理解伊朗民族与宗教的关系。
Shi′a Was established as the national religion in Iran and it was also a symbolic event in the development of Islam. It is also the product of interplay of the Persian nationality and the Persian civilization with the Arabian civilization and Islam. Based on the historical background, process and measures, functions and influences of this event, the author aims to give a detailed analysis of this historical advancement in order to help people understand the relationship between Iran nationality and Islam and the political and religious relationship in Iran.
Journal of Northwest University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
陕西省教育厅科研专项基金 (0 1JK0 2 9)