地震资料的应用为解决地质问题提供了广阔的思路 ,地震、地质和测井资料相结合更是解决油田开发中实际问题行之有效的方法。地震资料是时间域资料 ,地质、测井资料是深度域资料 ,寻找时间与深度的对应关系、做好地质层位标定工作是地震、地质及测井相结合的纽带。由于工区范围内缺乏或没有VSP资料 ,利用合成地震记录进行地质层位标定是进行构造解释、砂体追踪及储层预测等工作的前提。本文从多角度论述了做好合成记录标定工作的几点注意事项 ,以便与各位同行共同探讨。
Application of seismic material can provide wider thoughts for solving geology problem, mutual combination of seismicj geology and logging materials is an effective method to settle practical problem of oilfield exploitation .Seismic material is time region material;geology and logging is depth region material , searching for mutual relation between time and depth,making out stratum unit demarcation, is the link of combination of seismic and geology and logging.Since workspace is short of VSP material, the stratum unit demarcation with synthetic seismic record is the presupposition of structure interpretation and sand body trace and reservior prediction and so on.The article deals with several points for attention in how the demarcation with synthetic seismic record can be done sucessfully from more points of view ,so that we can probe into them together..
Journal of Xinjiang Petroleum Institute