近年来 ,网络技术得到了迅猛发展 ,随之在我国掀起了电子商务的热潮 ,然而其实施效果却与西方国家相差甚远。文章通过中外电子商务应用案例的比较 ,指出对电子商务的认识偏差导致了我国当前应用的低效。在重新认识电子商务内涵的基础上 ,文章给出对一些电子商务争议的分析和实施应用的建议。
Recently the hot tide of E commerce is rising up in China with the development of network technology.However the effect is far below that of western countries.Through the comparison between Chinese and foreing E commerce application cases,this paper points out that impercipient to E commerce results in current ineffectivity.Some analyses of the argument of E commerce and suggestions to the application are presented based on the deep discussion of E commerce.
Industrial Engineering Journal