Science in China(Series A)
1Maric S V, Moreno O, Corrada C. Multimedia transmission in fiber-optic LANs using optical CDMA. J Lightwave Technol, 1996, 14:2149~2153
2Salehi J A, Brackett C A. Code-division multiple access techniques in optical fiber networks--part 1 and part 2. IEEE Trans Commun, 1989, 37:824~842
3Chung F R K, Salehi J A, Wei V K. Optical orthogonal codes: design, aralysis and applications. IEEE Trans Inform Theory, 1989, 35:595~604 (Erratum: IEEE Trans Inform Theory, 1992, 38: 1429)
4Yin J X. Some combinatorial constructions for optical orthogonal codes. Discrete Math, 1998, 185:201~219
5Bitan S, Etzion T. Constructions for optimal constant weight cyclically permutable codes and difference families. IEEE Trans Inform Theory, 1995, 41:77~87
6Buratti M. Recursive constructions for difference matrices and relative difference families. J Combin Designs,1998, 6:165~182
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8Chen K J, Zhu L. Existence of (q, k, 1) difference families with q a prime power and k = 4, 5. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 1998, 15:167~173
9Colbourn C J, Dinitz J H, Stinson D R. Applications of combinatiorial designs to communications, cryptography and networking. London Math Soc Lecture Note Ser, 1999, 267:37~100
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1CHEN K J,GE G N,ZHU L.Starters and related codes [J].J Statist Plann Inference,2000,86:379-395.
2GE G N,YIN J X.Constructions for optimal (v,4,1) optical orthogonal codes[ J ].IEEE Trans Inform Theory,2001,47:2998-3004.
3CHANG Y X,MIAO Y.Constructions for optimal orthogonal codes[J].Discrete Math,2003,261:127-139.
4JOHNSON S M.A new upper bound for error-correcting codes [J].IEEE Trans Inform Theory,1962,(8):203-207.
5CHUNG F P K,SALEHI J A,WEI V K.Optical orthogonal codes:Designs,analysis,and applications [ J ].IEEE Trans Inform Theory,1989,35:595-604.
6SALEHI J A,BRACKET.Code-division multiple access techniques in optical fiber networks:Part 1 and Part 2 [J].IEEE Trans Commun,1989,37:824-842.
7MARIC S V,MORENO O,CORRADA C.Multimedia transmission in fiber-optic LAN's using optical CDMA [J].J Lightwave Thecheol,1996,14:2149-2153.
4黄月梅,周君灵.一类权重为4的二维光正交码[J].北京交通大学学报,2012,36(6):144-146. 被引量:4
6刘胜利,郑东,王育民.域GF(2~n)上安全椭圆曲线及基点的选取[J].电子科学学刊,2000,22(5):824-830. 被引量:6
7刘三阳,王新辉,刘红卫.多用户检测问题的半定规划方法[J].工程数学学报,2002,19(2):39-46. 被引量:2
9王巨平.有限域的特征和及正规基的一些新结果[J].数学年刊(A辑),1999,20A(1):1-6. 被引量:1
10阎兆鹏,聂敏,杨光.光纤信道中量子信令的传输损伤及修复策略[J].通信学报,2015,36(7):185-190. 被引量:2