During the new historical period,mo dern education is closely connected with the nation' s security.The new implication of nation' s security has gone beyond the past sc ope in which our territory,territorial airspace and territorial waters mustn' t be violated,and it also means politics,economy,culture,science and t echnology,and information mustn' t be encroached upon.Modern education,by providing qualified personnel,promotes the security and development of politics,econom y,culture,science and technology,military affairs.And as a result of i t the nation' s security and development will be pr omoted.Especially after our entry i nto WTO,some western countries will export their culture,politics,and value standpoints by every possible means to speed up westernization and breakup and contend for the chance of youth' s education.Education plays a vital role in defending against the impact of thought and morality brought about byinto WTO.Therefore it is necessary to realiz e and carry out a series of ed-ucational reforms at the height of nation' s security,to reinforce the nation -sense of education,to increase the c apital investment in education,to step up t he training of high -level talents an d to strengthen the education of thou ght and moral character.
Theory and Practice of Education