走向新世纪的教育正经历着重大的历史转型时期 :从应试教育转向素质教育 ,从精英教育转向大众教育 ,从继承式教育转向创新教育 ,从阶段性教育转向终身教育。面对这样的转型要求我们确立现代素质教育观、现代教育人才观、现代教育质量观。
The education towards the new century is undergoing a significant turn: from the education for examination to quality; from the education for the outstanding figuresto the masses; from the education of inheritation to creation; from rhe periodical education to the lifelong one. This kind of turn demands us to establish a modern view for quality education,a modern view for talented education; a modern view for educational quality and a modern view for the development of education.
Heilongjiang Researches on Higher Education