民办高等教育的产权关系 ,将随着民办院校资产规模的由小变大和产权结构的多元化 ,而变得越来越复杂。其归属问题、主体问题、重组问题、分配问题、结构问题、权益问题以及属性问题等等 ,都已提到议事日程上来。不明晰这些关系 ,将不利于民办院校的长远发展。本文将围绕民办高等教育的产权关系 。
As the asset scale and property structure of the non-government higher education in China increases and becomes diversified, the relationship becomes more and more complicated Some related problems, such as its ownership, its subjects, its reorganizations and its structures have been put on the agenda It is helpful for the development of the non-government higher education to clarify and understand these problems correctly This paper tries to analyze the relationship of the property right of non-government higher education in China from different aspects
Modern University Education