“马来西亚展望 2 0 2 0年”将是一个工业化国家。为了实现这个远景目标 ,经济将是发展的基础 ,包括众多受过教育的国民。马来西亚高等教育包括公立和私立教育机构 ,本文分析了目前马来西亚在高等教育政策、发展重点和战略方面的改革动向及关于高等教育学分。
Malaysia's vision 2020 is to be an industry country by the year 2020 In order to realize it, economy would be the basis of the development comprising highly educated masses Malaysia's higher education system includes the public and the private higher educational institutions This article analyzes recent reforms on higher education policies, priority concerns and strategies,and also introduces the recognition of credits, diplomas and degrees in higher education in Malaysia
Modern University Education