To observe the efficacy of weiaoxin for angina Pectoris, and also the action of it for improving ischemic EGG and reducing lipoid.Method: treatment group(weiaoxin group)56 patients,M34,F22(58+ 5)were treated with weiaoxin in a dose of 160mg t. i. d for 6 weeks and comparison group(Isosorbide dinitrate tablets group) :30 patients M17, F13(57 + 6 ) were treated with Isosorbide dinitrate tablets in a dose of 10mg t.i.d for 6 weeks, too. Result:1 As the comparison result showed that the effective rate in the treatment group was 51.8% .and the comparison group was 53.3%(P>0.05).2the ECG effective rate in the treatment group showed 35.7% . and comparison group was 36.7%(P>0.05); 3The total effective rate of the treatment group in reducing Cholesterol (Tc) and hyperglyceridemia (TG) was 82.9% and 80.6%, Isosorbide dinitrate tablets group was 14.6% and 15.4% ;4 There is no adverse reactions found in weiaoxin.So it is a safe drug for medication Conclusion: :There is something similar between weiaoxin and Isosorbide dinitrate tablets in antagonizing angina pectoris and in improving ischemic ECG. but the most important thing is that weiaoxin is a kind of safe, effective lipoid-reducing medicine, it is especially fit for the treatment of hyper-lipoidemia with coronary heart disease.
The Journal of Medical Theory and Practice
Weiaoxin, Coronary heart disease, Angina pectoris, Hyperlipoidemia