对湖州林区不同林型建群种生物量格局进行了研究分析 .湖州主要森林类型生物量的平均值变动于 8.2 5~ 1 0 0 .85 t/hm2 之间 ,单因素方差分析表明不同林型林木总生物量差异极显著 ,其中阔叶林最高为 1 0 0 .85 t/hm2 ,灌木林最低为 8.2 5 t/hm2 .多重比较 ( LSD)分析了不同林型林木两两之间生物量的差异性 ,其显著性差异程度因参比林种不同而异 .林木生物量与环境因子相关 ,经逐步回归统计分析筛选出影响不同林木生物量的主导生态因子 。
The article analyzes the biomass pattern of chief tree species under different forest type in Huzhou region The different forest type biomass in Huzhou region is about 8 25 t/hm 2 to 100 85 t/hm 2,The analysis of variance show that their biomass difference are highly significant,but difference degree between these biomass are decided by comparing forest species while testing by least significant difference(LSD)method Environmental factors are closely related with forest biomass,whose dominant factors are chosen by step wise regression analysis,the multiple correlation coefficient is significant or highly significant
Journal of Fujian College of Forestry
浙江省湖州市科学技术委员会科学基金资助项目 (2 0 0 0 0 6)