介绍了几种高开关速度、低电源电压等级、低功耗的 Bi CMOS逻辑门电路 ,并分析了它们的工作原理及其工艺技术情况。结果表明 ,这些电路的电源电压可达到 2 .0 V以下 ,而且信号传输延迟较小 ,有的还实现了全摆幅输出 ,因而它们可用于便携式电子设备和其它 VLSI和
Several high-speed,low-supply voltage and low-power BiCMOS logic circuits are presented,and their principle and technique are also analyzed.The result is that the supply voltage of these circuits is down to sub-2.0 V,the delay time is reduced and even the full-swing output is achieved in a few circuits,with the result that they can be used in hand-held units and VLSI & ULSI products.
Electronics Process Technology
江苏大学 2 0 0 1年青年基金项目
徐州建筑职业技术学院2 0 0 1年科研项目资助