目的 :探讨乏特氏壶腹癌的CT诊断。方法 :回顾性分析了 12例经手术病理证实的乏特氏壶腹腺癌CT所见。结果 :根据CT所见术前正确诊断为 10例 ,2例误诊为结石。正确率为 83%。文中讨论了CT诊断、检查技术和鉴别诊断。结论 :CT检查壶腹癌是一项简单有效的方法 。
Objective:To evuluate the value of CT diagnosis in ampulla of Vater.Methods:A retrospective study or CT finding of 12 patients with cancer of ampulla of Vater was carried out.All of them confirmed by operation and pathology as adenocarcinoma.Results:According to the CT finding of these cases preoperation 10 were correct,2 cases were misdiagnostic as stones.Accuracy ratio of the diagnosis was 83%.The problems of diagnosis,differential diagnosis and technique were discussed.Conclusion:CT diagnosis of cancer in the ampulla of Vater is a simple and effctive method.Otherweise,it is possible to observe the involvement and the metastasis of the surronding lesion.
Journal of Medical Imaging