LK植物液系山楂成熟果实的浅黄色果核经水煎煮提取,静置 24 h 过滤后的淡黄色透明滤液,pH 2.28 含多种有机酸和酚类化合物。采用载体定量杀菌试验,观察其杀灭微生物效果。结果,LK植物液 1:1稀释液对布片上金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌作用5min,其原液对布片上白色念珠菌作用5min,杀灭率均为100%。染布片菌悬液中含50%小牛血清时,杀菌作用时间需延长1倍。其原液于54℃存放14d,杀菌效果无明显变化。该剂为稳定性较好而杀菌作用受有机物影响的植物消毒剂。
LK Plant Solution is a light yellow transparent filtrate of water decoction of the light yel- low kernel of the ripe fruit of Fructus Crataegi after the decoction was laid aside for 24 hours. It has a pH of 2.28 and contains a variety of organic acids and phenols. Carrier quanti- tative germicidal test was used to observe its germicidal efficacy. The results showed that the killing rates of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli on the cloth strips exposed to the 1:1 dilute solution of LK Plant Solution for 5 min and Candida albicans on the cloth strip exposed to the stock solution of LK Plant Solution for 5 min were 100%. Presence of 50% calf serum in the bacterial suspension contaminating the cloth strips caused 2-fold pro- longation of the time required for killing the bacteria(fungi). The germicidal effcacy of its stock solution did not change significantly after storing at 54℃ for 14 days. LK Plant Solu- tion is a plant disinfectant with good stability, but its germicidal efficacy is influenced by the organic substances.
Chinese Journal of Disinfection
plant disinfectant LK Plant Solution Fructus Crataegi germicidal efficacy Staphylococcus aureus Escherichia coli Candida albicans stability