程序并行化为了达到缩短程序运行时间的目的 ,需要关注两方面的问题 :1,任务之间并行性的挖掘 ;2 ,粒度控制 ;如何协调这两方面的关系以及如何自动的完成这个任务是现在工作的重点 .本文详细讨论了如何在 CDDG图上决定合适的任务粒度 ,提出基于关键路径的任务粒度控制理论 ;并描述了在 JAPS中实现的自动任务划分与粒度控制算法 .涉及的主要问题包括结点的分布 ,任务的粒度控制 ,任务的划分 。
Parallelizing Compiler requires solve two problems to shorten the programs running time. How to gain the best parallelism between tasks; * Grain size problem; Now, how to balance this two problems and how to finish this work automatic is most studied. This paper discusses how to decide the appropriate task size in CDDG graph and presents the theoretics of task size controlling basing on the key path. Then, we describe the automatic task partitioning and granularity controlling arithmetic used in JAPS. The including problems are the distributing of node, the task size controlling and the partition of task. Last we analyse the result in JAPS.
Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
国家 8 63基金资助