用不同浓度NaCl溶液处理耐旱性不同的两个小麦品种 (鲁麦 1 4和晋旱 47) ,研究了Na Cl胁迫对幼苗生长及几种溶质含量的影响。结果表明 :NaCl处理引起小麦幼苗株高及根长度下降 ,旱敏感品种鲁麦 1 4比耐旱品种晋旱 47下降幅度大。同时晋旱 47的Na+含量增加较缓慢 ,根部及地上部均表现出较强的拒Na+特性 ,无明显拒Cl- 性 ;脯氨酸和氨态氮含量增加 ,NO-3 含量下降平缓 ,根部K+含量保持相对稳定。说明晋旱 47的抗盐能力远远大于鲁麦 1 4。
Two wheat cultivars (Lumai-14 and Jinhan-47) with different drought-tolerance were treated with NaCl solutions. Effects of NaCl stress on growth and content of several solutes of seedlings were studied. Results showed that NaCl treatment caused a decrease in length of shoots and roots of wheat seedlings, and the degree of decrease was higher in drought-tolerance cultivar(Jinhan 47 ) than in drought-sensitive one (Lumai-14). Na + contents increased slowly and Na +-exclusion capability in shoots and roots of Jinhan-47 was stronger than that of Lumai-14. Furthermore, higher proline and aminonitrogen contents, a smaller decrease in NO - 3 contents and a relative stability of K + contents in roots of Jinhan-47 were found . These suggests that salt-tolerant ability of Jinhan-47 is much stronger than Lumai-14.
Bulletin of Botanical Research