通过理论分析 ,提出利用空腔物体内壁的辐射反射作用来提高聚胺脂泡沫绝热材料的保温绝热效果 ,并对空腔内贴有铝箔的聚胺脂与单纯聚胺脂进行对比实验 ,证实了聚胺脂内空腔能有效提高其绝热保温效果 ,达到节能目的。
According to theory analysis,this paper proposes to use reflection effect of radiation of inside wall in hollow object for improving effect of heat proservation on polyurethane.By the constrast experiment of polyurethane stuck and stuck't alumium foil in hollow,Confirm that hollow of polyurethane can improve effect of heat proservation and save on enegy.