
一步法RT-PCR检测石蜡包埋滑膜肉瘤中SYT-SSX融合基因的表达 被引量:2

Detection of SYT-SSX Fusion Transcript in Synovial Sarcoma by One-Step Reverse Transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction
摘要 运用一步法RT PCR技术检测 14例石蜡包埋滑膜肉瘤组织中t(x ;18) (p11.2 ;q11.2 )染色体易位所致的融合基因SYT SSXmRNA的表达 ,尤文氏肉瘤和恶性黑色素瘤各一例做对照。结果表明 ,14例滑膜肉瘤中 12例有SYT SSX融合基因的表达 (85 7% ) 。 A characteristic SYT SSX fusion transcript resulting from the chromosomal translocation t(x;18)(p11.2;q 11.2 ) is detected in fourteen cases paraffin embedded synovial sarcoma by one step reverse transcriptase polymerasechain reaction . One case of Ewsing'sarcoma and melanoma was detected as control. Results shows that SYT SSX fusion transcript was expressed in twelve of fourteen cases (85.7%),but did not find in Esing's sarcoma and melanoma.
出处 《石河子大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2001年第4期259-261,共3页 Journal of Shihezi University(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目 (3986 0 0 73)
关键词 滑膜肉瘤 一步法RT-PCR 融合基因SYT-SSX 基因表达 肿瘤检测 尤文氏肉瘤 恶性黑色素瘤 synovial sarcoma one step RT PCR fusun gene SYT SSX
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