研究了新玉 9号正交种的密度效应 ,结果表明 :1)经济产量—密度方程呈渐近线型 ,经济系数—密度方程呈指数下降型。 2 )密度 8.2 5万株 /hm2 的群体叶面积系数 (LAI)最大 ,其值为 4 .0 5左右 ,成熟时LAI为 0 .8313,出苗期至成熟期群体总光合势 (LAD)为 2 0 1.2万m2 ·d/hm2 ,干物质生产率平均为 173.94kg/(hm2 ·d) ,干物质积累总量为 196 5 9.8kg/hm2 ,收获穗数 82 5 0 0 ,穗粒数 4 4 1,千粒重 2 70 .4g ,经济系数 0 .5 0 ,源库比值 0 .0 5 5 ,单产达 9837.3kg/hm2 。
We studied the density on Xinyu No.9. The result showed that: 1)Economic yield density assume asymptote model; Economic coefficient density, exponential decay curve.2)At the density of 82 500 plants/hm\+2, Total LAD in total growth time 201.2×10\+4 m\+2·d/hm\+2, the average dry matter productivity 173.94 kg/(hm\+2·d),the quantity of dry matter 19 659.8 kg/hm\+2. The number of gained fringe is 82 500. The seeds of per fringe is 441.1000 grarn weight is 270.4 g, economic coefficient is 0.50 and source sink ratio about 0.055,economic yield is 9 837.3 kg/hm\+2. It was the best yield structure.
Journal of Shihezi University(Natural Science)
兵团科委"九五"推广项目 (980 6 )