目的 ①了解颅脑损伤病人脑部微循环及全身微循环的变化并总结其规律。②观察颅内高压与脑部微循环的相关性。方法 在发病早期、治疗中、恢复期三个阶段对50例中重型颅脑损伤病人的双眼球结膜及甲襞微循环进行观察。结果 颅脑损伤后病人的球结膜及甲襞微循环均有不同程度的改变,并有一定的规律性。结论 颅内压增高与BCM异常呈正相关,BCM障碍可作为判断颅脑损伤患者伤情及预后的指标。
Objectives ①To understand the microcirculation alterations in the brain and the whole body in the patients with brain injury and to summarize their regularities.② To observe the correlation between increased intracranial prssure and cerebral microcirulation. Methods The microcirculation of the bulbar conjunctiva (BCM) and nail beds in the 50 patients with moderate or severe brain injury was observed at the different stages of the disease. Results The abnormal BCM alterations in different degree were found in 48 cases, of whom, 21 had abnormal BCM in the initial stage of the a sease, 47 in the treating stage, 9 in the recovering stage. It was also noted that these alterations were more marked in the injured side or more seriously injured the side. The number of patients as well as the degrees of the microcirculation alterations in the nail beds was not so significant as those in the BCM. Conclusions The intracranial pressure is positively related to the BCM alterations in the patients with brain injury. It is suggested that the microcirculation alterations of the BCM may be used as an indicator for predicting the severity of brain injury and the prognosis of the patient.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Neurosurgery
Brain injury
Microcirculation, bulbar conjunliva
Nail beds